Windows – Disconnect iSCSI gracefully

Recently, after playing around with iSCSI, I discovered that disconnecting an iSCSI connection does not seem to be an easy task. If you disconnect normally, you may encounter a prompt similar to being in use. If you forcibly disconnect the adapter, the iSCSI initiator will be stuck for a long time. At the same time, if you use Task Manager to forcefully terminate the iSCSI initiator, you will find that although the iSCSI target is gone after opening it again, it will try to connect automatically again after restarting the computer.Schrödinger's iSCSI Target. Discovered via Google i am not alone , many people on the Internet have encountered this problem.

The currently known feasible steps are as follows.

  • Iscsi Initiator -> Favorite Targets -> Select the target connection -> Remove
  • Iscsi Initiator -> Targets -> Select the target -> Disconnect
  • Restart computer

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