
Welcome, this is the site of _Redstone_c_

The ancients spared no effort in their knowledge. When they were young, they worked hard, and when they were old, they could get it on paper. Eventually, they realized it was shallow and they knew that they had to practice it.


I'm _Redstone_c_, you can call me Red or Redstone .
I am a college student, C++ and UE enthusiast, passionate about computer science related technologies and game development, and I was once an OIer.
He is also a Furry, a dragon controller (Furry dragon supremacy).
I like tinkering and researching new things.

About the website

On this website you can see me and my friends article , they are mostly about programming.
welcome log in This website, write articles or comment under other articles (all content will be reviewed before being published).

Contact Me

If you want to contact me, you can check Portal The "Social" column contains most of my online account addresses.


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